In this recurring series, we take a visual tour of the environments that comprise the world of XCOM 2. Today, we look at Shanty Towns.

ADVENT may have control of Earth, but there are still pockets of humanity where folks live by some semblance of the old way in XCOM 2. These ramshackle Shanty Towns, despite being tucked away from the more densely-populated areas of the world, are always susceptible to attack, and so the citizens within live in a constant state of fear.

This ever-present state of anxiety can take its toll on the families, who must be willing to pick up and run at any time. But, if anything, this life on the run from ADVENT has taught these individuals a deep appreciation for freedom - and that freedom gives them something to hold on to; a reason to keep going.

Throughout XCOM 2, you’ll likely deploy troops to one or more of these Shanty towns, Commander. While there, be sure to take care when detonating fuel canisters and vehicles. While the ultimate goal is to defeat ADVENT, we should be mindful of the lives we’re affecting every time we turn one of these communities into a war zone.

XCOM 2 launches on PC worldwide February 5, 2016. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get the latest news from the resistance.