In this recurring series, we take a visual tour of the environments that comprise the world of XCOM 2. Today, we look at Small Town.

So far, we’ve shown you two sides of XCOM 2’s environmental spectrum: the densely populated ADVENT City Centers, and the open fields and derelict shelters of the Wilderness. Small Town areas offer a combination of residential neighborhoods and commercial businesses, and are generally populated by people who have not completely bought into the promise of life in the City Centers.

Small Town settings are suburban settlements just outside of the sprawling ADVENT City Centers and are best described as havens for folks looking to live like they did before the arrival of the aliens. XCOM’s goal is to protect these people by going after ADVENT here.

Glowing billboards bombard the people with propaganda, while ADVENT soldiers patrol the streets to keep “order.” Crumbling churches and quaint diners offer citizens a taste of the freedom they once had. These Small Towns also offer XCOM a stark reminder of what we’re all fighting for: our home. 


Life may move a bit slower out here in the suburbs, but the threat to XCOM is no less than anywhere else, Commander. XCOM 2 launches on PC worldwide February 5, 2016. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get the latest news from the resistance.